We recently welcomed one of our customers over from Mexico to review and verify various aspects of this hard vacuum twin chamber helium leak detection system for its factory acceptance test recently.
Ben our Senior Project Engineer ensured the leak detection system performed all its intended functions to the design specifications and meets all the requirements such as cycle time accuracies and efficiencies, checking for any inconsistencies before the system is packed away and dispatched for operational duties.
This leak detection system, along with a series of others currently in production is designed to leak test refrigerant valves for a long-established customer of VES’ that provides refrigeration, air conditioning and heating products and solutions worldwide.
The leak test system has a step-by-step process and is equipped with custom tooling and couplings to automatically sit the refrigerant valves securely in position, then test them at specific production rates with a set pass or fail criteria. The costly helium used for leak testing is recovered and reused!
It’s essential we provide energy-efficient systems that are safe, quick and simple to operate. A sustainable leak test solution that will perform tests on their critical refrigerant components, so they conform and comply with new and evolving regulations.
For assistance with our advanced leak detection systems designed for testing refrigerant components, please contact our experienced sales engineers by email at sales@vac-eng.com.