Darren, one of our experienced mechanical engineers, he’s building the internal coupling assembly which will be fitted inside the vacuum chamber of a single chamber leak detection system.

This system has been designed for testing the leak tightness of a series of variously sized compressors that live inside HVAC and refrigeration systems being manufactured for a globally renowned company that’s been producing air conditioning and refrigeration innovations for over 100 years.

A single compressor will automatically feed and couple up inside the vessel chamber, a vacuum is then created in the chamber whilst simultaneously charging the compressor with air for a pressure drop test. If the pressure drop test is successfully completed, then the compressor is evacuated and charged with helium tracer gas to a specified pressure and test cycle.

The mass spectrometer, which detects minute quantities of helium is connected to the vacuum chamber, should the compressor leak, the tracer gas will be detected in the chamber.

Equipped with a wealth of knowledge having been with VES for almost 30 years, Darren is continuously involved with building and commissioning a wide range of customised leak test systems for various industries and applications worldwide, ensuring they meet the design specifications, for efficient, reliable leak test performance.

For assistance with our robust and highly efficient leak detection systems designed for testing HVAC and refrigeration technologies, please contact our sales engineers by email at sales@vac-eng.com