The global helium supply is experiencing a significant shortage, impacting industries worldwide. For those in the field, this is a well-known challenge. Efficiently managing and conserving helium resources is critical for all manufacturers.

Standard Helium Recovery Systems: The Current Approach
Many manufacturers rely on standard helium recovery systems to mitigate helium consumption. These systems capture exhaust gas from helium testers, compress it, and reintroduce it into the machinery. Theoretically, this should significantly reduce helium consumption. However, in practice, leaks in machinery, pipework, and distribution systems often contaminate the recovered helium, diminishing the system’s efficiency and reliability.

Introducing VES Pure: The Next Generation of Helium Recovery
At VES, we have meticulously studied the failure modes of existing helium recovery systems. We are thrilled to introduce VES Pure, a cutting-edge solution designed to address the real-world challenges of production environments. VES Pure effectively handles contaminated gas by separating helium from air, ensuring a clean and reliable helium supply.

How VES Pure Works
VES Pure captures exhaust gas from helium testers, filters out the air, and stores the purified helium. This process ensures that the helium returned to the Helium Leak Testers (HLTs) meets specification standards, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of helium usage in production environments.

The Benefits of VES Pure
– Enhanced Efficiency: By separating and purifying helium from contaminated gas, VES Pure delivers a more reliable – helium supply.
– Cost Savings: Reduced helium consumption leads to significant cost savings for manufacturers.
– Improved Reliability: VES Pure ensures a consistent and high-quality helium supply, minimising production disruptions.

VES Pure represents a revolutionary advancement in helium recovery technology. We are excited to bring this innovative solution to the market, helping industries navigate the challenges of the global helium shortage with greater efficiency and reliability.