We have some free PDFs available for you to download from our website, such as this ‘Leak Testing Methods’ one, which explains the different types of leak testing techniques and which are more suitable depending on your requirements.

Other factors depend on application to application, various industries will typically have guidelines and standards detailing acceptable leak rates for various products and components requiring leak detection testing.

However, VES engineers analyse your leak testing requirements and suggest the best solution, based on certain criteria such as.

  • How many points on the component must be tested?
  • What is the pass/fail leak rate?
  • What are the dimensions of the product to test?
  • What is the required test cycle time?
  • Fully automated, semi-automated leak test system or partly manual?
  • What is the test gas and pressure required for testing?

Visit our website: https://vac-eng.com/leak-test-system-resources/

For further information about our fully automated and manual leak detection systems please email our sales engineers sales@vac-eng.com