Follow this link: for our UK Sales Manager Alex Garner explaining some key points in one of our integrated hard vacuum helium leak detection systems designed with special purpose tooling and built for leak testing electrical box subassemblies used in electric vehicles (EVs)

Purpose: To ensure airtight integrity of EV electrical boxes

Method: Uses a hard vacuum helium leak detection system with specialised automated tooling

Process and Features:
▫️ Initial feasibility and prototype testing for validation
▫️ The tooling clamps seal the casing
▫️ A vacuum of 1.17 e-4 mbarl/sec is applied
▫️ 3 bar of leak test pressure with a 50-second hold test is performed
▫️ Three tonnes of downward pressure create the necessary seal
▫️ Pneumatic cylinders and spring-loaded pins ensure precise sealing
▫️ Helium trace gas is used to detect leaks
▫️ Integrated locking mechanisms for safety and damage prevention
▫️ Operational safety features as standard

For assistance with our safe, reliable and efficient leak detection systems integrated with special purpose tooling, please contact our sales engineers by email at,